I was born in Guelph, Ontario, a block away from the home of John McCrae (author of “In Flanders Fields”). When my father was seconded to the World Health Organization, I spent two years living in Egypt and Iraq.
I completed a BA and MA in English at York U., where I studied with Irving Layton, Eli Mandel, Miriam Waddington and Frank Davey. After a half-year stay in Kyoto, Japan, I worked at Coach House Press and as a journalist and corporate communicator. I attended the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University, and served as a research assistant to Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman. I taught English in community colleges, and recently retired as Professor of Learning and Teaching at Centennial College.
I have published five books of poetry, most recently Time Slip (Guernica Editions, 2010), the mystery novel Death by Triangulation, several chapbooks, and over 400 articles, interviews, reviews and blogs. I wrote a script for the original Degrassi Junior High TV show, which was shown worldwide. I am a long-time member of the Long Dash writing workshop. I am also a photographer with three solo shows and several book and magazine covers to my credit. For fun, I play guitar and drums.
Just as a point of clarification: I am not related to John Horace Oughton, the Paper Bag Rapist (and most regrettable of namesakes)
For my site describing my workshop leading, consulting, writing and editing services for higher education, click here.
John's photography can be viewed at this site. Below is a sample shot, "Indeterminacy."