Higher Teaching:
ISBN13: 9781771835954
ISBN10: 1771835958
"...a cleverly organized and complete practicum for College teachers focusing on the theories that inform current higher education teaching and curriculum, adult education and even the jargon employed by teachers. I particularly enjoyed his chapter of advice and reminiscences from former teachers sharing some of their strategies. Evaluation is always a difficult topic to explain, depending as it does on Education Ministry directives but here, too, the author has found a methodology that simply won’t go out of date. I would recommend this book to any new college teacher attempting to grasp all the details of proper teaching."
- Brian van Norman, novelist and retired teacher
A Handbook for New
Postsecondary Faculty
Higher Teaching is a practical manual designed for the new and mid-career teacher in college or university. It has two sections:
1. Practice, which addresses what to do when you get your first course outline to teach, how to choose strategies and plan lessons, and how to manage your classroom so it is a safe and positive place in which students learn. There are chapters on instructional media, teaching online, assessment and evaluation, dealing with difficult students, academic integrity issues, and how to improve your teaching.
2. Theory and Background focuses on the theories that inform current higher education teaching and curriculum and adult education, and includes a chapter of advice extracted from experienced teachers answering, “What advice would you give a brand new teacher?” Also helpful to a new teacher are the glossary of academic jargon, teaching confidence self-assessment, and a lesson plan template.
Dr. Marilyn Herie, VPA and Chief Learning Officer at Centennial College, says: "This wise, accessible and practical primer distills practice wisdom, teaching and learning research, theory, and best practices to support both new and still-learning professors, as well as offering a welcome refresher for more seasoned faculty. With a wealth of concrete examples, sample activities, lesson plans, tips and strategies, this book is the equivalent of a friendly colleague in the office next door. You will find advice, guidance, lessons learned, and the joy of teaching in these pages. Enjoy the journey!"
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